The Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five members appointed by the Board of Trustees. The ZBA serves as a quasi-judicial body that hears and decides matters relating to the application of the zoning ordinance such as a variance from an ordinance standard, an appeal of a zoning official’s decision, or an interpretation of the ordinance.
Chairperson Ed Harris
Vice Chair John Sims Jr.
Member Kathy Jahr
Member Heather Brown-Rocho
Member Jim Junke
Dates & Times
The Zoning Board of Appeals typically meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 5:00pm, unless there are no items to discuss. Please confirm that a meeting has been scheduled by checking the local newspaper (The Battle Creek Shopper News) or by calling the Planning & Zoning Administrator.
All meetings occur in the Charter Township of Emmett Board Room at 621 Cliff Street, Battle Creek, MI 49014