Emmett Township

Financial Transparency

Financial Transparency Overview

Throughout this page, you can locate financial information of the Charter Township of Emmett including audited financial statements, budgets, and material the Township is required to post publicly.  In township government, financial responsibilities are divided between departments to create a system of checks and balances.  We intended this page as a more convenient, central location for organization-wide financial information.  For more detail or questions, please contact Township offices at 269-968-0241.
Please note, the Township operates on a fiscal year from April 1 to March 31.

Audited Financial Statements

Local governments are required to prepare financial statements and arrange financial audits annually.  The audit shall occur within six months after a fiscal year’s end.  Audited financial statements and related documentation are submitted to the State of Michigan.  The State publishes every municipality’s material online for ten years which you can find via this link: https://treas-secure.state.mi.us/DocumentSearch.  Just complete the boxes to get Emmett Charter Township.

For convenience, we have also attached recent financial statements below.
FY2022 Audited Financial Statements
FY2023 Audited Financial Statements
FY2024 Audited Financial Statements


The Township has provided ten year’s of budget reports listing the original budget, amended/final budget, and activity for all revenue and expenditure accounts on the books.  For the current fiscal year, you will see a partial report as each step is completed.  The complete report is generated following the audit.  For older information, please contact the Clerk’s Department at 269-968-0241.
2014-2015 Original, Amended, Activity
2015-2016 Original, Amended, Activity
2016-2017 Original, Amended, Activity
2017-2018 Original, Amended, Activity
2018-2019 Original, Amended, Activity
2019-2020 Original, Amended, Activity
2020-2021 Original, Amended, Activity
2021-2022 Original, Amended, Activity
2022-2023 Original, Amended, Activity
2023-2024 Original, Amended, Activity
2024-2025 Original

Pension and OPEB Report

In accordance with State of Michigan Public Act 202 of 2017 and 530 of 2016, the Township must report information regarding the health of it’s employee retirement obligations.  This is reported for each fiscal year and due by September 30.
5572 2022 Pension_and_OPEB_Report
5572 2023 Pension_and_OPEB_Report
5572 2024 Pension_and_OPEB_Report

City, Village, and Township Revenue Sharing Program

In order to receive State of Michigan funding through the City, Village, and Township Revenue Sharing Program (CVTRS), the Township must submit this form annually and post the required Debt Service Report and a Projected Budget Report.  The Township’s most recent documentation is included below.  This report is due annually by early December.
Form 4886 2022 CVTRS Report
Form 4886 2023 CVTRS Report