Emmett Township


Supervisor's Office Overview

Duties & Responsibilities

In a township, the supervisor is the executive administrator.  Sharing the responsibilities of day-to-day operations with the clerk and treasurer, the Office of the Supervisor is one that residents usually look to first for help with problems they are experiencing.

Here are the primary responsibilities of the Supervisor:

  • Maintains custody of all township records
  • A voting member of the Board of Trustees also serving as chair/moderator
  • Member, ex officio, of all committees of the Board of Trustees
  • May call special meetings
  • Appoints or recommends board, commission, or committee members
  • Acts as Township’s legal agent, and as such, connects with legal counsel
  • Prepares and administrates the Township budget, enforcing policies of the Board of Trustees
  • Acts as purchasing agent for the Township
  • Responsible to the Board of Trustees for the efficient administration of all Township departments
  • Sees that all laws and ordinances are enforced
  • Manages and supervises all public improvements, works, and undertakings of the Township (i.e. water, sewer, roads)
    • Charged with construction, repair, maintenance, lighting, and cleaning of streets, sidewalks, bridges, pavements, sewers, and all public buildings or other Township property (road work responsibility split with County)
    • Manage and supervise the operation of Township utilities
    • Responsible for preservation of all other property, tools, and appliances of the Township
  • To conduct all sales of personal property which Board of Trustees authorizes to be sold
  • Sees that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the Township or its inhabitants in any public utility franchise, or in any contract, are faithfully kept and performed
  • Assumes all duties and responsibilities as personnel director of all Township employees
  • Recommends to the Board of Trustees for adoption such measures as they deem necessary or expedient
    Chief assessing officer.  May also serve as assessor, if certified, or relinquishes to a properly certified assessor.
  • Secretary to the Board of Review
  • Maintains records of the Supervisor’s Office
  • May appoint a deputy

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More Information

Check out this video from the Emmett Essentials series on AccessVision for more on the Supervisor’s day-to-day work.

Check out this Emmett Essentials episode for more on the role of the Deputy Supervisor.

Contact Information

Tracy Myers

(269) 968-0241 ext. 3